🦄 It's Always The Links


When this whole generative AI in the Google SERPs was announced the other week, I had one immediate thought -

PBNs are about to make a comeback.

I've unloaded this theory to anyone who will listen to me babble about it. 😬

So I wasn't surprised when this popped into my inbox last week -

And in case you're not on Jon's mailing list, here's what the beta pricing for his DFY PBN network looks like -

Back in the day, I had a 200+ site PBN network of my own....it was a major pain in the ass to manage (and costly), but damn did my sites rank well and make hella cash.

But here's the thing - PBN links hurt ya when it's time to sell your site. Best case scenario, you get a lower multiple. But loads of buyers don't even want sites with PBN links - and I don't blame them since most people don't know what they fuck they're doing with PBN links.

I didn't intend for this email to be all about PBN links, so here's the buried lede - if you're not actively building links to your sites now, then you seriously need to put this on your to-do list.

I was thinking that BEFORE the recent announcement about "topic authority."

People who have been in this industry a long time are saying this as well. Here's the most recent one I saw this morning.

I'm not promoting a link building service or trying to sell you anything here (though I do still have that link building course that's open until I launch the new membership program).

I sincerely don't want you to get left behind because you don't think that you need links to rank.

If you're interested in more talk on PBNs, I do have additional thoughts that I might share in a blog post or video. I've also written about them in 2015 and 2018. I may update those old posts, but here they are if you're interested:

Obviously, lots of things have changed in link building since 2015 and 2018, but there's a lot that hasn't.

The good news is that even though I think PBNs are about to get a glow up, there's other types of backlinks that you can build to your sites.

Just something for you to think about.

Stay awesome,


P.S. If you've noticed that I've not been around much this month, it's because I've been dealing with lots of aura migraines and the headache that is American healthcare. Because of this, I likely won't get that new membership thingie I told you about live this month since I've spent more days unable to work than actually able to work. And if you're waiting on an email reply from me, this is why you haven't heard from me yet. Sorry about that.

P.P.S. FYI my Expert Picks for May are up on the Odys marketplace in a video format (a change from the blog write-ups!). You can also find them my YouTube channel. If you don't already have an account, get one now in case you wanna snap up one of my picks. (Don't forget that my affiliate link adds a cool $100 credit to your account!)

FYI: Some of the links in this email are affiliate links, but I only recommend stuff that I actually use/test.

Online Income Memo by Skipblast

You into building online income streams through blogging, site building, newsletters, affiliate marketing, and SEO? Sounds like you should get on my email list. I'm a six-figure blogger who's been doing this full-time since 2009. I'm also dabble as a YouTuber.

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