
Online Income Memo by Skipblast

You into building online income streams through blogging, site building, newsletters, affiliate marketing, and SEO? Sounds like you should get on my email list. I'm a six-figure blogger who's been doing this full-time since 2009. I'm also dabble as a YouTuber.

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👀 Non-Google Traffic Is Sexy

Online Income Memo by Skipblast You'll notice some changes with the way this email looks. That's because with all the nonsense going on with Google, I've decided to cover more topics related to the online businesses and income streams that I'm building - not just focusing on display ads and affiliate marketing. You'll also see the Skipblast website get a glow-up soon. Let me know how you feel about these changes. Pinterest vs Facebook for Traffic When it comes to finding traffic streams that...

As a marketer, I've always been interested in how "real" businesses do their marketing. Even when they're not in my niche. And one of the weirdest things that I've seen that works are those heart-shaped pizzas that appear this time every year. The reason I think it's weird that it works so well for pizza places is that you get less pizza when it's in that heart shape. Like, why do people buy those? It's a terrible deal. What's crazy is how you can market to people around seasonal topics. If...

A year ago, I was firmly in the "I hate AI content" camp and it wasn't until a few months into 2023 that I accepted that it was time for me to change my views. My undergrad degree is in English and Journalism, so it's easy to see why that was my initial view. Truthfully, I still don't love AI content. But it doesn't really matter how I feel about it. Because SEO and growing niche sites doesn't have shit to do with emotions or feelings. It's about being willing to adapt and pivot to what's...

Hey there, it's me again. I gave you a break last week cause I had a stupid cold, but I'm all up in your biz now. Quick question Kickass deal on a plugin I love 😍 Another charity video audits update Make me look good 😁 First up, a question - I *may* invest in a new link building service and I'm wondering what types of links you guys buy? Or are interested in buying if I'm vetting the entire service? Or would you just prefer an in-depth course on link building? Reply and lemme know. Next up,...

Hey there, So, the house that I'm renting here in Vegas is strictly a 'no pets' situation, which I really hate. To make matters worse, Vegas is like the worst place in the US for people surrendering their pets (especially large breed dogs) and I can't get one from the shelter. All I can do is donate to them when they're overwhelmed...which is pretty much all the time. With that in mind, I thought it would be cool to raise some extra money for the Las Vegas Animal Foundation this week for my...

Hey there, So, the house that I'm renting here in Vegas is strictly a 'no pets' situation, which I really hate. To make matters worse, Vegas is like the worst place in the US for people surrendering their pets (especially large breed dogs) and I can't get one from the shelter. All I can do is donate to them when they're overwhelmed...which is pretty much all the time. With that in mind, I thought it would be cool to raise some extra money for the Las Vegas Animal Foundation this week for my...

Hey there awesome person, Don't you hate when people say "Happy Friday" to you? Definitely one of the top things I don't miss about working in an office. Anyways, I've not been creating a lot of content lately as I've been having health issues that have resulted in way too many appointments where I'm getting poked with ouchie needles, zapped with electric shocks, and uncomfortable visits in MRI machines (I have a metal plate in my face over my right cheekbone and that's not pleasant when...

Heya, When this whole generative AI in the Google SERPs was announced the other week, I had one immediate thought - PBNs are about to make a comeback. I've unloaded this theory to anyone who will listen to me babble about it. 😬 So I wasn't surprised when this popped into my inbox last week - And in case you're not on Jon's mailing list, here's what the beta pricing for his DFY PBN network looks like - Back in the day, I had a 200+ site PBN network of my was a major pain in the ass...

Hey there, For years now, one of my favorite tools for keywords and easy traffic to my sites is something that I think most site owners overlook. If you've taken some of my courses then you may have seen me mention this. I think I'd also mentioned it in a podcast interview or two. And around a month ago, I discovered a way to level this shit up and combine it with trendjacking for even more traffic explosions. Quick sidebar: I've got two tickets to Affiliate Gathering that I can't use if...

Hey there, After display ad RPMs started going into the toilet late last year, I've been focused on getting back to my affiliate marketing roots. If you're not yet sold on making those sweet affiliate monies, all I can say is you can make a hell of a lot more money with less content when you focus on affiliate marketing. Quick sidebar: I've got two tickets to Affiliate Gathering that I can't use if anyone wants to buy them for face value. I paid $270 total for them. Anyways, making the switch...